'Neighbour demands I keep dogs inside so her kids can play on my climbing frame'


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May 23, 2024

'Neighbour demands I keep dogs inside so her kids can play on my climbing frame'

She also takes a dip in their pool when they're out A man has been left outraged after his 'entitled' neighbour turned up at his house demanding he opens up his pool so her children can play. He

She also takes a dip in their pool when they're out

A man has been left outraged after his 'entitled' neighbour turned up at his house demanding he opens up his pool so her children can play. He explained how he bought a house next door to his best friend - and had an open door policy with their young children, acting almost like a third parent to them.

However, when other neighbours caught on to his generosity towards the youngsters, they started demanding he shows the same kindness to their own children. Taking to Reddit, he said: "My partner and I purchased the house next door to my best friend. I had lived with him for close to a decade when his kids were babies, so they viewed my house as an extension of theirs, and were in and out all day, every day.

"I have a more flexible schedule than he and his wife, so I have them in the mornings, after school, and on days off of school. I had a pool in my yard, and because my friend's kids were still little, I installed a retractable cover and made sure it was locked so they couldn't open it.

"My friend's yard had one of those wood fort/climbing wall/swing set deals and a large sandbox. Throughout the year, we spent most evenings outside, grilling, drinking, and watching the kids play and swim."

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But when he returned home from work one day, he was disturbed by a knock on the front door. He opened it to see an unknown neighbour and her two children eagerly standing on the other side. He added: "As I opened the door, she informed me that her kids needed to use the bathroom and that I needed to come out and get the cover off my pool.

"I was confused and asked her to repeat herself, and she said that her kids needed to pee and that they were hot and bored with playing in the sandbox, so I needed to open up my pool. I asked her why she was in my friend's yard and what made her think her kids were welcome to swim in my pool, or use my bathroom for that matter.

"She got really b****y and told me that she had moved into the house behind us and that she had watched my buddy's kids come over all the time and I opened the pool for them. She insisted that since I was willing to open my pool for the kids next door, I should also open it for the children who lived behind me.

"I tried explaining the relationship between my best friend's family and mine. She claimed it didn't matter that I had known them since birth and pretty much had helped raise them, I just needed to get to know her kids too and it would be OK." Annoyed by her entitlement, the man asked her to leave and closed the door. But she wouldn't give up and started knocking even louder and fussing at him through the window.

"She then had her kids pee in a planter on the side of the patio," he added. "When I still didn't react, she took her kids back into my friend's yard to play on the swings. I texted him to let him know what was going on, right at the moment he was letting his 300+ pounds worth of Newfies out into the yard without noticing the unwelcome visitors.

"The mum starts shrieking and climbs up into the fort, leaving both kids on the swings. She starts demanding that we put the dogs inside and how dare my friend let his dogs out into his own yard when her kids are clearly playing there. He tells her to 'Get the f*** out' and calls the police.

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"When the cops arrived, she put on the whole waterworks about how her kids are just looking for friends, and my buddy's kids are somehow bullying her kids, even though they'd never met. That he invited her over just to let his dogs attack her children. They eventually move her back onto her own property, then come back later to tell us they warned her about coming back."

Not taking no for an answer, the woman and her children started sneaking onto their property when they were out to use their pool. The man was forced to replace his locks, remove the back gate to his fence, and buy three new pool covers after she damaged them all.

The man said: "I eventually paid a security company to come check on the yard any time we were going to be away for more than a few hours. We found her and her kids in our yards repeatedly, but she'd leave when we got home. What finally resolved the issue was my partner catching her in the pool.

"She told him she knew the man who owned the house and that he had told her it was OK to swim. He told her he was married to the man who owned the pool and that it was not OK to swim. She apparently had a bad reaction to realizing she was immersing her sons in gay water. We didn't see her again after that."

Commenting on his post, one user said: "If you had figured out she was a homophobe earlier, you could have adorned your house and yard with pride flags and posters and stuff to ward her off. Use the power of pride to ward off the haters and stand strong in love."

Another user joked: "The chemicals in the water are gonna turn her kids gay. She's too late. The transformation has started. She should never have come." A third user said: "Newfies are just big, slobbery teddy bears. Nothing to be afraid of except perhaps drowning. But the 'gay water' comment made me spit my coffee across the room. I can't stop laughing. You broke me."

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